King Fry

Nymphs, Steelhead Flies, Trout Flies -

King Fry

As the salmon eggs mature and turn into Alevin, the next phase in the salmon life cycle is the "Fry" stage. It starts to look a bit more like a minnow as the yolk sac is absorbed. The head is more defined, the parr marks start to appear, and they become a little stronger. They are better at swimming in this stage, so a swung presentation is a good way to fish this pattern. 

This is a very easy fly to tie, with just a handful of materials needed. You will burn through a pack of hooks in no time. This is a 2 minute fly tops, which we like. Here's what you'll need:

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Hook: Gamakatsu C14S sz 6 (+)
Thread: Veevus 6/0 Fl Orange (+)
Tail: Pearl Krystal Flash (+)
Body: White Laser Dub (+)
& Silver Minnow Belly Laser Dub (+)
Eyes: 3D Adhesive Super Pearl Eyes 5/32 or 3/16 (or similar color) (+)
Glue: Loctite Gel (+)
& Loon UV Resin Thick (+)