Steelhead Flies RSS
Bruiser Sac Fry
This is an easy sac fry (alevin) pattern for Spring Steelhead in the Great Lakes. It can be dead drifted like an egg or nymph. Dont be afraid to let it swing at the end of the drift. MATERIALS:(+) add to cart Hook: Gamakatsu C14S sz 4 (+)Thread: 6/0 Veevus Fluorescent Orange (+)Wing: Bruiser Blend Jr. Cream or White (+)Flash: Ice Dub Silver Grey (+)Egg Sac: Ice Dub Hot Orange (+)Eyes: 3D Adhesive Eyes Super Pearl 5/32" (+)Loon UV Clear Fly Finish Thin (+) --> ADD ALL TO CART <-- Also used in this video:Renzetti Presentation 4000 Vise (+)Loon UV Infiniti Light (+)...
Soft Hackle Euro Jig
This is an easy euro jig fly that can be used for trout or steelhead. Adjust sizes accordingly. For trout, a sz 12 or 14 is good. Go larger for steelhead, like a sz 6 or 4. This one is on a sz 6. MATERIALS:(+) add to cart Hook: Ahrex FW551 sz 6 (+)Bead: Slotted Tungsten Bead Matte Black 3/16" 4.6mm (+)Weight: 0.025 Spooled Lead (+)Thread: Veevus 6/0 Fluorescent Orange (+)Tail: Pheasant Tail Natural (+)Body: Fusion Dub Tobacco (+)Ribbing: Ultra Wire Med Copper (+)Legs: Premium Hungarian Partridge Brown (+)Collar: Fusion Dub Eat a Peach (+)--> ADD ALL TO CART <--
20 Incher
The 20 Incher is the undisputed champ of versatility. Tied in different sizes, it rivals the Hares Ear and Peasant Tail in terms of effectiveness. It's great for trout, and in larger sizes, steelhead as well. MATERIALS:(+) add to cart Hook: Daiichi 1760 sz 8 (+) Thread: 6/0 UNI Thread Black (+) Bead: Cyclops Bead 1/8" Copper (+)Lead: 0.025 Spooled Lead Wire (+)Tail: Stripped Goose Biots Tan (+) Rib: Uni French Oval Tinsel Gold Large (+) Body: Ice Dub Peacock (+) Wingcase: Turkey Tail (+) Legs: Hungarian Partridge Feathers Brown (+) Thorax: Krystal Dub Hare's Ear (+) --> ADD ALL TO CART <-- Start with 8 wraps of lead, snug it up against the bead. Create a gradual taper...
Orange Crush
Steelhead love orange. Not sure why, but it's a fact of life. This little pattern has been dynamite for us in the Spring. This is a hybrid of an egg and a stonefly, mimicking both at once. A stimulator of sorts. Its a really easy recipe so you won't feel bad losing a few. MATERIALS:(+) add to cart Hook: Daichii 1530 sz 12 (+)Thread: Veevus 6/0 Fl. Orange (+)Bead: Dazzle Brass Bead Fl Orange 1/8" (+)Tail: Pheasant Tail Fibers Natural (+)Body: Crusty Nail Fusion Dub (+)Rib: Ultra Wire Hot Orange Brassie (+)Legs: Brown Partridge (+) --> ADD ALL TO CART <-- Lay a thread base down back to bend of hook....
Cross-Dresser Variant
This template was originally made by Jeff "Bear" Andrews, and has been a standard Great Lakes steelhead fly for decades. This can imitate both a hex nymph or salmon alevin, hence the name "cross-dresser." By changing the color of Estaz, you can specify which you plan to mimic more closely. This hex version is tied with Peach Estaz, but Crustacean Tan would be good too. For more of a fry imitation, florescent orange or pink would be a good choice. MATERIALS:(+) add to cart Hook: Daiichi 1530 Sz 8 (+)Thread: Veevus 6/0 Fl. Orange (+)Eyes: Black Mono Eyes Medium (+)Tail: Natural Grizzly Mini Marabou ...
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