Jan 2nd, 2020 | 2020
Happy New Year! Thanks for all the support last year!
Fishing has been pretty good lately, up until we got absolutely blasted with rain a few nights ago. Grand Rapids received over 2.5 inches of rain very quickly. Most of the rivers in West Michigan right now are still quite high from that storm system, but are receding and should be in better shape soon.
Looks like the month of January is going to be warmer than average. Always nice having a mild winter, since it makes steelhead fishing so much easier. Hopefully we don't have a repeat of last Winter, with the repeated polar vortexes and bomb cyclones. That was intense.
Plenty of steelhead around right now, but perhaps slightly lower numbers than previous seasons. What we are lacking in numbers, is certainly made up for in size. Average size of fish this year is staggering, with a few truly massive steelhead being caught. This is the time of year where many people land their personal bests, or "PB"s. Reason being is the cold water temps. When the water is in the mid thirties, the fish don't fight nearly as hard as they do in September or October. If you're fortunate enough to hook a 20lb fish in water this cold, you've got a good amount of control on it. Of course, it doesn't always work out, but this time of year is when many of those behemoths are landed.
Trout fishing has been good as well. Small nymphs and streamers can be good on the right day.
Our Brews and Bugs Schedule is kicking off in earnest next Wednesday in Grand Rapids and Tuesday in East Lansing. Brendan Terrien will be at the vise sharing some of his favorite Michigan Dry flies with a special twist. Brews and Bugs is a great way to sharpen up your tying skills in the offseason, learn some new patterns and techniques and meet some new fishing buddies. Check out the schedule HERE and be sure to call ahead to reserve your spot!