Muskegon River Fishing Report RSS

Grand River Fishing Report, King Salmon Fishing Report, Michigan Steelhead Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Pere Marquette River Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

Lately on most river systems we've been playing the game "how low can we go" most of our river systems haven't seen rain in over 2 weeks. Any that have, never got any real rain water in the headwater sections. This has left the rivers in very rough shape for our migratory fish. Most runs are a week or so behind and have been small steady trickles of fish with no real pushes. Cooler nights have helped bring water temps down and bring in more salmon and a few early steelhead in the lower state rivers. Despite the conditions fishing...

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Flat River Fishing Report, Grand River Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Pere Marquette River Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

Fall is a time of change and presents many opportunities for fishing. We have been fishing multiple river systems across the state. The Grand, Muskegon, Pere Marquette, and Flat River have all been producing fish for us in the last couple of weeks. The best part about the fall transition time is the abundance of opportunities for the angler. Warm water, cool water, and migratory fish are all in the rivers at the same time. In the last two weeks we've fished for smallmouth, egged for trout behind kings, sight fished carp, and swung flies for salmon and steelhead.  Keep in...

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Ada Fishing Report, Flat River Fishing Report, Grand Rapids Fishing Report, Grand River Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Pere Marquette River Fishing Report -

Over the last couple weeks we've seen rain showers and cooler temperatures move in. We're finding most of our smallmouth congregated around rocks or mid River structure. We have found that the bass in both the Grand and Muskegon river systems have started to migrate and school up. Being that most of the smallmouth are grouping up, you may have to do a little bit of searching to find where they're at. Once you find them, focus on that stretch and look for similar areas that other schools might be using. For flies we've been using small to medium size...

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Grand River Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Pere Marquette River Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

While steelhead may be past their peak on most rivers, forecasted rains will likely bring in pushes of fresh fish. Egg imitations continue to produce with all the spawning fish on beds, as well as fry and alevin patterns.    Water temperatures are on the rise, and the Trout activity seems to be picking up. Fish are chasing streamers on cloudier days, although action has slowed a bit as water levels have dropped. You won't want to miss out on the streamer fishing opportunities with the coming rains. When water temps start to get into the high 40's and the...

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Grand River Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Pere Marquette River Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

Well folks what a strange ride we have been on.  Going from low water and no snow, to several feet of snow, to the huge melt and spring like conditions and then just like that thrown back into winter.  Mother nature is definitely having a fun time throwing us curve balls.  With that being said I do welcome the snow to help us sustain the water levels we have.  The Rogue is currently running 240cfs, the Grand downtown is 5370cfs, the Muskegon at Croton is 1970cfs, and the PM at Scottville is 590cfs. Whether or not winter stays around or spring comes...

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