April 14, 2022
Rain, Rain, Go Away! After some heavy rain and melt off in the last couple weeks that has put a big damper on fishing in Michigan but didn't ruin it. With water and flows finally on the come down it has really improved the fishing across the state. Steelhead fishing is getting very good in the last couple days, with more fish actively eating and working up the river system. Hot flies for steelhead have been bigger egg flies, such as rag eggs and nuke eggs. Do not shy away from tying up some bigger and brighter egg flies than you would normal fish, you would be surprised what size you can get away with in dirty water.
Along with Steelhead moving around the trout are busy eating up all those eggs flowing down stream, for you euro nymphing guys and gals out there, this is some of the best time of the year to get into a lot of fish with bigger fish mixed in here and there. The hottest euro nymphing flies right now are the euro egg and Frenchie's in different color variations due to the fact those trout have eggs on the mind. For all those streamer junkies out there get ready! We are headed into some of the best time of the year for streamer fishing, with temps on the come up those hungry trout will start getting more ambitious on chasing and coming out of their cold water spots to T-Bone a streamer. Make sure you have a wide size range and color range in your box, bigger bait fish will be on the menu once this water getting a little bit more in their feeding range of temps.
Like always Stay Safe and Good Luck out there
-Christian Gradowski