April 6th 2023
Rain rain go away!!!!! Well happy spring everyone! Only reason I say that is due to next weeks highs! Next week Mother Nature wants it to be summer already with temps in the high 70s all week, but a lot of folks are asking in the shop is that a good or a bad thing? Well the answer is good! Less rain in the forecast will help bring these water levels down to a more manageable level to wade and fish around because right now the the trails to get down to the water are under water! And warmer weather will bring water temps up and the bite will improve across the board, bringing with it many spring time options.
Now where does that put the steelhead season? Well, it’s safe to say we are nearing the end of the season. The Grand is raging high right now, but the Rogue has a ton of fish. Fish on the Rogue are doing their thing up on gravel (please leave them to it) and drop backs are starting to make their way back to the lake. All that being said I do think we have at least a week or two left of good steelhead fishing in the GR area.
The Rogue is still very high and dirty today and on the rise again. If you are heading out exercise extreme caution while wading. Hopefully levels will drop by the weekend. If you are heading out this weekend to the local steelhead holes make sure you have some bright and big eggs tied up! Think blob eggs and rag eggs in orange and chartreuse! All the water is stained up real bad and to get the attention of the fish right now you need some bright stuff to draw them out. Our rigs are staying the same with just your normal Indy Rig set up!
Now we move onto my favorite time of the year! Oh Mr. Brown trout how I have missed you, and your willingness to eat a big nasty streamer. We are headed into streamer season boys and girls, get your 8 inch mean nasty meat out of the closet and your hard hats! It’s freaking streamer season!!!!!!!! Streamer season has already started with a 26 inch monster brown being caught up on Au Sable, which means it could be a great spring streamer season! Waters high and dirty so get those big streamers dusted off, colors we see a lot of success are on black, black and white, olive, and brown and tan!
Nymphing has been productive as well, with temperatures starting to creep up, fish are on the feed. Egg patterns continue to be the best producers on any river with steelhead, as well as big stoneflies.
Bass fishing and dry fly fishing for trout is just around the corner as well. Now is the time to get your gear in order and ready for the next season. Swing by the shop and we will get you set up.
Finally, mark your calendars for April 29th, we will be holding a Trout Opener Party and Gear Swap at Third Nature Brewing! More details to come, stay tuned and sign up for our emails if you aren't already.
Guide Trips available -
I have a couple April and May dates open for anyone looking for last chance steelhead
Dates are April 13th, 14th,
Streamer fishing trips are filling up quick! I have these dates still available
Dates are April 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th
Feel free to reach out
cell - (248) 875-4143
Email - Christian@nomadanglers.com
like always good luck and have fun
- Christian Gradowski