October 30, 2018 - River Report
Steelhead fishing is improving daily, and the weather looks promising. The Grand River is still fishing well, and will only get better. Looks like there is a good amount of rain headed our way tonight, so fishing will likely be great by the weekend. Egg flies in Apricot, Golden, and Creams are great options, as well as swinging. Dakota found this fish in our secret spot.
A few of us spent this weekend up north, and found a few fish. Things were tricky because the water was so low, but we were able to find some spots that were deep and choppy where fish couldn't easily see us.
One highlight was on Friday, when we anchored up in a deep and swirly corner bend. We were making lunch and re-rigging, when I spotted a nice hen that slid up on the sand, literally right next to the boat. Brad slowly grabbed his rod, and without standing up, rolled out his rig and slowly guided his flies toward this fish. It was sitting ten feet from us, in plain view, right on the sand. We could actually see his flies floating downstream, when this fish squared them up, and we watched her tip down and inhale the bottom fly. Brad set the hook, and this thing went ballistic. Jumped probably five times, up and down the pool. We got close to netting it but it eventually popped off. So wild to watch a steelhead eat that close! Doesn't happen very often. Well done bud. He later got this fish from the tail out of a hole not far downstream.
We wrangled with a handful of fish, but again, the water was like gin. They could see the boat coming from a ways downstream, which ended up being cool since we were able to watch steelhead swim around all day. Felt like we were in an aquarium.
Saw some new salmon dart past us too. We actually got a fresh one from a likely steelhead spot.
Trout fishing was good, not great. Mainly in the early mornings and evenings.
Swinging has been pretty decent as well, and the rain will only improve that situation. Here's one that Justin found.
Here is a list of upcoming tying events:
PLEASE RSVP to each event
November 7th: G.R. Open Vise Night 6pm (free)
E.L. Steelhead Nymphs Fly Tying 6pm ($20)
November 14th: BOTH shops Fly Tying 101 6pm ($20)
November 20th: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Steve Pels: Steelhead Flies 6pm ($20)
November 28th: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Dennis Potter: Trout Flies 6pm ($20)
December 5th: G.R. Open Vise Night (free)
December 12th: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Staff: Steelhead Nymphs 6pm ($20)
January 2nd: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Steve Pels: Smallmouth Flies 6pm ($20)
January 9th: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Staff: Trout Streamers 6pm ($20)
January 16th: G.R. Open Vise Night (free)
January 23rd: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Kevin Feenstra: Swing Flies 6pm ($20)
January 30th: G.R. Brews & Bugs - Staff: Smallmouth Flies 6pm ($20)
We will be having more classes in February and March so stay tuned.
See you out there!