Father's Day Fishing Report

One of my favorite times of year in Michigan. Unlimited opportunities across the state chasing trout on dry flies. All leading up to the big dance with the hex hatch on the horizon. Brown drakes and grey drakes were the main bugs on northern rivers across the state and the cold temps played games with the constancy. Iso's fished blindly have produced numbers of fish leading our to the hatch while the streamer bite so so. This weeks temperatures look more forgiving and any night could be the night. Good luck to all venturing into the night! SHOP BUGS
Local fishing on the Grand and other smallmouth rivers has produced good numbers and now wade opportunities are finally available near Lansing. Crawfish and baitfish patterns seem to be the ticket. LANSING OPTIONS
The shops are trying to get back to normal we truly appreciate all the business. The last 2 weeks I've had the opportunity to head north and while the fishing wasn't on fire it was a beautiful thing to "turn-off" for a short time with family. Something about water & woods provides therapy that is unexplainable. From camp fires as tall as trees with grandpa, chasing brown drakes until 11pm with the boys or Henry falling in the muck on the headwaters of the Manistee memories are made and never forgotten. Cheers & Happy Father's Day