February 16th, 2023 | Grand Rapids Steelhead

Grand River Fishing Report, Michigan Fly Fishing Report, Michigan Steelhead Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

February 16th, 2023 | Grand Rapids Steelhead

Downtown Steelhead Fishing

Good ole Michigan weather! From 50 and sunny now to 30 and snow... Michigan cant make up its mind I guess but that doesn't matter because the fishing has been really good with all the rain we got last week. I was able to sneak some fishing in on the Grand River in the heart of Grand Rapids to chase winter/spring steel. The bite was consistent with every dirty water program out there... Bright bright flies, I was indy fishing with some bigger style rag eggs to get bites in the dirty water. Chartreuse and bright orange were the ticket for me. They are a really quick and easy tie - Check out our Rag Egg tying video below 

The Rogue River has also been fishing well. With the bump in flows, seems like a good number of fish have moved into the Rogue. A good number of fish have been stacking up in holes and seem very willing to eat if the right fly is put in front of their face. Rag eggs, nuke eggs, and alevin patterns have all been productive. 

Even though the weather outside right now doesn't look the most fun to fish in, this weekend is going to be absolutely awesome weather to Steelhead fish. With mid to high 30s Friday, Saturday and Sunday the warm up and melt off from this random snow storm is going to fire up those fish to eat! If you are headed out and need some flies the shop is loaded with flies that will get you a fish in the net. So swing by and load up before the weekend! 

Upcoming Classes - 

Brews & Bugs tying night February 23rd, We have John Sheets and Lance Nelson coming down from Gates Au Sable Lodge to tie some of their favorite dry flies. Definitely don't want to miss out on this awesome tying night! 




Guide Trip dates are getting very limited, If you're looking to get out and catch some spring Steelhead book now! 

Contact me at christian@nomadanglers.com for current availability

(Click here for more information)

Like Always Good Luck and Have Fun

- Christian Gradowski