October 14th 2022
Well Fall is here and in full swing... From the temp drop, leaves changing colors, and oh ya Kings, Coho, and Steelhead are in hot and heavy! With the lack of water across the state it's been tough trying to fight the low gin clear water.
The name of the game right now is huge attractor patterns or tiny subtle patterns to get bites, whether that be blob eggs to size 8 McFly foam eggs but for the most part the key is fishing lighter line such as 10 lb. to get bites more often.
The rigs my clients and myself have been fishing are your standard indicator float rig, fishing very shallow in the dark ally ways the kings are using to travel up and down river. It is a lot of casting but it has been paying off! If you are heading to the river this weekend focus on the dark water! With the fishing moving around a lot its a very effective way to get bites!
Now for the Trout fishing in the rivers across the state its egg season! The trout are happier than ever right now. The kings are dropping eggs and trout love eggs... and trout are dumb when eggs are dropping! They are star struck by how much food is in the system, now with that all it takes is a 9 foot 5 weight, some 4x leader plus tippet, and some size 8,10 McFly Foam eggs in orange or pink you are good to go!
If interested in Guided Fly Fishing Trips I have some dates still open in October for Salmon, Trout, and Steelhead!
Email me for more information Christian@nomadanglers.com
or check out our guide page on our website ( Here )
Like always Good luck and Have Fun!
- Christian Gradowski