October 24th 2023

Grand River Fishing Report, Muskegon River Fishing Report, Rogue River Fishing Report -

October 24th 2023

After the last report our wishes came true and we finally received some rain.  Our local rivers all bumped up but we could still use some more water.  Current CFS has the Grand sitting at 3760cfs, The Muskegon at 1550 cfs, and the Rogue at 251 cfs. 

It looks like the cooler weather will settle in for good by the end of this week.  The cooler water and air temps will hopefully bring a few more steelhead up.  The steelhead are around in our local rivers but you are going to have to put in your time, cover water, and search them out.   Salmon are still in the river systems if you have not gotten enough of those battles. 

The trout fishing has continued to be productive.  As usual for this time of year make sure you have some egg patterns and Stoneflies with you.  The shop is offering a wide array of upcoming educational classes so if you are interested in learning something new check out our class schedule.