September 22nd, 2023
Starting to sound like a broken record but the fishing this week remains much the same as the previous couple of weeks. There are plenty of fish in the system, with lots of salmon being caught down town Grand Rapids, it sounds like they are stacked up below 6th street dam. Some fish have been pushing up and there are reports of fish in the Rogue as well. However, water levels remain tremendously low and we are in desperate need of rain locally and further north. The Pere Marquette is about as low as it gets, but there are fish around. Unfortunately it looks like the low water is going to be with us for the foreseeable future with no rain in the extended forecast.
If salmon are not your jam, the trout fishing has been phenomenal despite the low water. Egg bite is all systems go, and it is prime time for some of the most technical sight fishing for trout that Michigan has to offer. Whether you are euro nymphing or running indicators, fall trout fishing can be truly magical.
If your minds are already on swinging flies for steelhead, come see us next weekend at the Muskegon River Spey Fest in Newaygo and get all you gear dialed in for the season. We will be there with plenty of rods, lines and other gear, and there may even be some show specials to sweeten the deal. Come see us at Henning Park Saturday September 30th 9:30am - 2pm!